Publication Charges

Canadian Journal of Biotechnology (CJB) is published by a not-for-profit organization, Science Planet Inc. The intent is to aid anyone who fails to keep himself/herself abreast with the latest quality research due to limited resources by keeping the research papers free to access. To serve this purpose, the authors are expected to pay nominal publication charges only upon the acceptance of the paper, post the peer-review process, as CJB is having no financial support from any government agency/society. Authors from the developed countries (except for Canada*) would be charged US$250 and from the developing countries would be charged US$150.

Our publication: La Tarification chez HFS vs les Services Traditionnelles en France

In case of financial constraints, the authors from all the countries may also request either for the reduction or complete waiver of the publication charges. All such requests must be accompanied by the supporting documentation. All the requests will be reviewed and may be considered on a case-by-case basis. However, all such requests must be made either prior to or at the time of manuscript submission. The requests received during the reviewing process or post the acceptance of the manuscript will be disregarded.

The journal does not levy any submission charges.

*Papers from the Canadian labs will be given a 40% rebate. Therefore, the publication charges for the papers from the Canadian labs would be US$150.